Anjan Chatterjee: How your brain decides what is beautiful
[14:48] Anjan Chatterjee uses tools from evolutionary psychology and cognitive neuroscience to study one of nature&…
MORE10 Most Beautiful Faces According To Science
[4:00] Here are the 10 most beautiful women according to science. Do you agree? [Video and text source: TheTalko YouTub…
MORERobert Sapolsky on Oxytocin and Bonding
[3:40] Robert Sapolsky discusses oxytocin and it’s role in bonding. [Video and text source: JRE Clips YouTube c…
MOREThe Female Orgasm, Explained with Science Projects
[1:55] The male orgasm is an explosive affair, but the female orgasm? Now, that’s a different story. Find out what’…
MOREDoes Everybody Have A Gay Gene?
[4:12] Is being gay genetic? [Video and text source: AsapSCIENCE YouTube channel]…
MOREOpia: The Ambiguous Intensity of Eye Contact
[2:36] opia – n. the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive a…
MOREHow to get laid… Pupperfish style
[1:14] A Japanese pufferfish makes an extraordinary sand sculpture to attract and win a mate. [Video and text source: B…
MOREThe Teenage Brain Explained
[10:06] Being a teenager is hard. Especially when hormones play their part in wreaking havoc on the teenage body and bra…
MORELisa Welling: It’s not you, it’s my hormones Testosterone Influences
[16:24] My research finds that increases in testosterone is associated with increased preferences for sexually dimo…