Crash Course Philosophy #1: What is Philosophy?
[10:34] Today Hank begins to teach you about Philosophy by discussing the historical origins of philosophy in ancient …
MORECrash Course Philosophy #2: How to Argue – Philosophical Reasoning
[9:42] Before we dive into the big questions of philosophy, you need to know how to argue properly. We’ll start with an …
MORECrash Course Philosophy #3: How to Argue – Induction & Abduction
[10:17] We continue our look at philosophical reasoning by introducing two more types: induction and abduction. Hank …
MORECrash Course Philosophy #4: Leonardo DiCaprio & The Nature of Reality
[9:02] Today Hank gains insight from that most philosophical of figures…Leonardo DiCaprio. In this episode, w…
MORECrash Course Philosophy #5: Cartesian Skepticism – Neo, Meet Rene
[10:00] This week Hank introduces skepticism, exploring everything from the nature of reality through the eyes of a 17…
MORECrash Course Philosophy #6: Locke, Berkeley, & Empiricism
[9:51] This week we answer skeptics like Descartes with empiricism. Hank explains John Locke’s primary and seconda…
MORECrash Course Philosophy #7: The Meaning of Knowledge
[10:11] On today’s episode…CATS. Also: Hank talks about some philosophy stuff, like a few of the key concepts …
MORECrash Course Philosophy #8: Karl Popper, Science, and Pseudoscience
[8:56] The early 1900s was an amazing time for Western science, as Albert Einstein was developing his theories of relat…
MORECrash Course Philosophy #9: Anselm and the Argument for God
[9:13] Today we are introducing a new area of philosophy – philosophy of religion. We are starting this unit off with A…
MORECrash Course Philosophy #10: Aquinas and the Cosmological Arguments
[10:25] Our unit on the philosophy of religion and the existence of god continues with Thomas Aquinas. Today, we consid…