Essential video portal focusing on human nature, promoting healthy skepticism, critical thinking and reason.

Tag: Ambition / Focus / Inspiration / Motivation / Optimism

Tali Sharot: The optimism bias

Tali Sharot: The optimism bias

[17:40] Are we born to be optimistic, rather than realistic? Tali Sharot shares new research that suggests our brains a…


How To Break A Bad Habit

How To Break A Bad Habit

[5:09] Bad Habits, Good Habits, How to break a bad habit, how to create a good habit, how to change your routine, how to sto…


Dan Buettner: How to Be Happy

Dan Buettner: How to Be Happy

[27:45] Where in the world are people the happiest? Can we reverse-engineer the secrets of happiness and longevity by s…