Love is Madness
[3:16] “Is it possible to preserve the lover and the poet without preserving the lunatic?” – Bertrand Russe…
MOREThe Advantages of Long-Distance Relationships
[3:58] Having a partner far away is normally seen as a curse. It’s time to acknowledge the many advantages of the arran…
MORE10 Weird Things You Didn’t Know About Sex
[2:19] In this video we showcase 10 weird things you didn’t know about sex. [Source: MindGeek YouTube link] &n…
MOREThe Neuroscience of Love
[5:00] Why not learn some of the science behind love? If you believe in love at first sight, are in a committed relationsh…
MORE99% of What We Believe About Female Sexuality is Nonsense
[6:36] Daniel Bergner’s latest book is “What Do Women Want?: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire&…
MOREHow to Start Having Sex Again
[2:42] Sex has a nasty habit of breaking down in long-term relationships. One reliable technique for fixing things is c…
MOREThe Pleasure of Kissing
[2:32] We know that kissing is pleasurable but the reasons why are a little mysterious; it may have a lot to do with feelin…
MOREThe Sad Tragic Truth About Our Relationships
[2:56] Relationships are never easy at the best of times. We are such complex creatures. We fight on… [Source: Sh…
MOREThe Definition Of ‘Sexy’ Around The World
[4:37] Top 10 different perspectives of the term ‘sexy’ from countries around the world. Beauty, sexine…
MOREWhy do we love? A philosophical inquiry
[5:44] Ah, romantic love; beautiful and intoxicating, heart-breaking and soul-crushing… often all at the sam…