Born Into Brothels (2004)
[1:23:21] A must watch for all the humans, but at the same time don’t judge the entire country on the basis of this. …
MOREJustice: What’s The Right Thing To Do? #12 ‘DEBATE SAME SEX MARRIAGE’
[55:10] [Video and text source: Harvard University YouTube channel]…
MOREAlain de Botton: Office Sex – Just Part of Being Human?
[2:03] Author Alain de Botton discusses the taboo of sexual relations between coworkers. He draws comparisons betwee…
MOREProfile Pictures – Science of Attraction
[8:36] With social networking and online dating becoming more and more popular, the images we choose to represent ours…
MOREFamiliar Faces – Science of Attraction
[12:09] As this Channel 4 Science of Attraction video (introduced by Derren Brown and presented by Kat Akingbade and Ch…
MOREThe Halo Effect – Science of Attraction
[11:33] So many things can influence the decisions and judgments we make. In this Science of Attraction video for Chann…
MOREMary Roach: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Orgasm
[17:11] “Bonk” author Mary Roach delves into obscure scientific research, some of it centuries old, to m…
MORELecture 9: Evolution, Emotion, and Reason – Love
[1:09:32] Paul Bloom: Introduction to Psychology Guest lecturer Peter Salovey, Professor of Psychology and Dean of Y…
MORELecture 14: What Motivates Us – Sex
[52:47] Paul Bloom: Introduction to Psychology This lecture reviews what evolutionary theories and recent studies i…