Food and Addiction: Dietary Fiber – The Most Important Nutrient?
[1:25:24] Katie Ferraro, Family Health Care Nursing at UCSF School of Nursing, explores the types of fibers and thei…
MOREFood and Addiction: Sugar Addiction – Proof of Concept
[28:47] Nicole Avena of the University of Florida researches abnormal eating behaviors to understand brain mechanis…
MOREFood and Addiction: The Importance of The Environmental Change
[58:17] What environmental factors contribute to obesity? Kelly Brownell of Yale University is the Public Health Dir…
MOREFood and Addiction: Dietary Fats: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
[1:58:10] Some fats are better for your health than others. Katie Ferraro, registered dietitian at the UCSF School of N…
MOREFood and Addiction: Sugar in Drinks and Salt in our Food: Why You Should Care
[57:20] Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of UCSF details the many health consequences of hidden sugars and a high salt content …
MOREFood and Addiction: Sugar Highs and Lows – Sugar on the Brain
[55:03] Kent Berridge, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, discusses …
MOREFood and Addiction: Obesity and the Neural Plasticity Reward Circuit
[21:54] Eric Stice, Oregon Research Institute, examines factors that increase risk for onset of eating disorders and …
MOREFood and Addiction: Stress Opioids and Binge-Eating in Rats
[28:38] Mary Boggiano of the University of Alabama at Birmingham explores the psychobiology of non-regulatory eatin…
MOREFood and Addiction: Treating through Mindfulness Awareness
[29:27] Jean Kristeller, Co-founder of the Center for Mindful Eating, explains that mindful eating has the powerful p…
MOREFood and Addiction: Fad Diets: Do They Really Work?
[1:23:55] Andrea Garber, UCSF Division of Adolescent Medicine, is a nutritionist and a registered dietitian. Her res…