Essential video portal focusing on human nature, promoting healthy skepticism, critical thinking and reason.


Why Do We Wear Clothes?

Why Do We Wear Clothes?

[9:41] On a hot summers day our clothes can sometimes make us feel too hot and clammy. However, we have to wear them in fear …


Is Telepathy Real?

Is Telepathy Real?

[4:56] Greg Foot and Hannah Fry delve into the mind this week, in answering whether or not telepathy is real? [Source: Br…


Emma Bryce: Is telekinesis real?

Emma Bryce: Is telekinesis real?

[5:23] Telekinesis, the ability to manipulate matter with the mind alone, is a trait exhibited by some of the most iconi…


Jesse Prinz: The Moral Self

Jesse Prinz: The Moral Self

[49:48] Jesse Prinz argues, based partly on empirical findings, that values are central to personal identity. He disc…


The Sanity of 'Madness'

The Sanity of ‘Madness’

[4:04] There’s so much pressure on us to be always rational, calm and sensible: it’s time also to say a word about the …