Why We Tell Stories: The Science of Narrative
[1:35:46] Stories have existed in many forms—cave paintings, parables, poems, tall tales, myths—throughout hi…
MORESteven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain
[50:00] Steven Pinker – Psychologist, Cognitive Scientist, and Linguist at Harvard University How did humans …
MOREDementia: Catching the memory thief
[21:43] Today is World Alzheimer’s Day, and over a hundred years since the first case of Alzheimer’s disease was di…
MOREDavid Eagleman: Brain over mind?
[22:25] David Eagleman is a neuroscientist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. His areas of research incl…
MORESusan Polgar: “My Brilliant Brain”
[47:07] Laslo Polgar an educational psychologist, set out on a mission to create a genius. His first experiment, with d…
MOREOlaf Blanke: Out-of-body experiences
[50:34] One out of 10 people on average claim to have had an out-of-body experience. Can one learn to trigger such experi…
MOREBill Andrews: How Telomere Research is Turning Back Aging
[34:12] A fascinating talk by Professor Bill Andrews on the relation between telomeres and aging. …
MOREBecoming Conscious: The Science of Mindfulness
[1:14:21] Many of us go through daily life on autopilot, without being fully aware of our conscious experience. Neuros…
MOREDavid Nutt: Drug Science, London Real Interview
[1:27:41] David Nutt, Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London and former Chairman of the Ad…
MOREV.S. Ramachandran: How Our Brain Creates Delusion Of God
[22:48] This gentleman, due to the damage to his temporal lobes, was suffering from seizures. However, after his seizu…