What Countries Still Have Child Brides?
[2:45] Developing countries require a new education to stop the child bride problems. Too much ignorance. Much of it is …
MOREMatt Riemann: Epigenetics & Personal Health: Can We Control Our Own Future?
[17:54] What if you could control the fate of your future health? What if you could alter the hard wiring of your genetic e…
MOREHow stress affects your body
[4:42] Our hard-wired stress response is designed to gives us the quick burst of heightened alertness and energy neede…
MOREWhy we can’t stop eating unhealthy foods
[13:29] Sugar scientist and UCSF professor of health policy Laura Schmidt questions whether consumers really do have …
MOREBarry Kosofsky: How DNA and the Environment Work to Determine Behavior
[2:08] Dr. Barry Kosofsky of Weill Cornell Medical College and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital talks about the new …
MOREHow Breaking Up Is Like Drug Withdrawal To Your Brain
[4:12] Breakups can be emotionally and physically exhausting, but what happens to your brain when you fall out of love?…
MOREThe Scientific Power of Meditation
[2:59] How exactly does meditation affect your body? [Source: AsapSCIENCE You Tube channel]…
MOREThe Magic of Mushrooms
[0:48] One dose of Magic mushrooms can treat depression for months at a time, according to a new study. [Source: ATTN:…
MORESocialization and the Immune System
[2:31] Dr. Rick Hecht shows empirical evidence suggesting the strength and stability of someone’s social life may a…
MOREThe Complexities of Cortisol
[2:40] Dr. Rick Hecht explains how cortisol, a hormone commonly associated with stress, impacts the body, showing it t…