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A Drunk Neuroscientist Explains What Alcohol Does to Your Brain


It’s obvious alcohol affects the brain – but even though it seems to affect everyone differently, there are a few chemical reactions that alcohol is stimulating in everyone’s body while they’re tying one on. Things may get a little blurry as Neuroscience Ph.D. candidate Shannon Odell takes you through what’s scientifically happening as she continues to drink. As a side note, and for the sake of clarity, one “unit of alcohol” means 10 mL of pure alcohol. This translates to the following volumes, according to the U.S. Department of Health: “12 fluid ounces of regular beer (5 percent alcohol), 5 fluid ounces of wine (12 percent alcohol), or 1.5 fluid ounces of 80 proof distilled spirits (40 percent alcohol).”

[Video and text source: Inverse YouTube channel]
