Split brain: One side a believer in god, the other not!
[2:21] FREE WILL IS COMPLICATED…. Do we have it, yes or no? It’s more of a tricky yes, no blend ‘YNESO…
MOREJordan Peterson & Iain McGilchrist in Conversation: The Master and His Emissary
[29:51] A fascinating conversation about the roles of the left and right brain hemispheres where Iain McGilchrist h…
MORENeuroanatomy made ridiculously simple
[27:43] University of California Associate Professor Dr. Kia Shahlaie provides a fun and informative lecture the bas…
MOREThe left brain vs. right brain myth
[4:11] The human brain is visibly split into a left and right side. This structure has inspired one of the most pervasive …
MORESubcortical Fiber Tracts
[9:00] Dr. Claudia Krebs demonstrates neuroanatomical structures responsible for the creation & understandin…
MOREIntroduction to the Central Nervous System
[14:46] Dr. Claudia Krebs hosts this walk through the Central Nervous System. [Video and text source: UBC Medicine …
MOREAn overview of the Basal Ganglia
[14:28] Learn how Basal Ganglia affect training, emotional output and motor coordination. [Video and text source: UB…
MOREThe Myth of Being Left or Right Brained
[2:35] Ever wondered if you were left brained or right brained? Left brained folks are more logical, analytical, and or…
MOREExtraordinary People: Living With Half A Brain
[46:50] Six year old Cameron Mott had half her brain removed three weeks ago – today she pedals down the hospital corri…
MOREThe Anatomy and Functions of the Frontal Lobe
[11:28] In this video, a detailed look at the anatomy of the frontal lobe, and the functions of the various regions in t…